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The collections FIRST VIEWS ON MARS  and LOST LANDS are made of 100% woollen felt and patterns are laser cut. All items that are meant for use for electronic objects (iPads, phones and laptops) are sealed with bonded lining from inseide, to protect the electronics from wool dust. 

FIRST VIEWS ON MARS collection landscapes of the material are derived from nature surfaces, close-ups and panoramas that may now be sighted also on another planet - Mars. Laser cutting technique is used for making the woollen felt surface foldable. This enables to give new forms and characteristics to any object in the interior when covered with the fabric.


Pattern design: Kärt Ojavee and Eszter Ozsvald

Object concept, design and development: Kärt Ojavee

Photos: Marie Vinter, Rene Altrov, Raul Viitung

LOST LANDS objects come in different colours and stories.

The patterns of this collection are derived from the patterns and landscapes in nature. Flow of air and water, mountains and clouds, wood, sand, the material of lost lands.

Year: 2011 - 2014



Concept design and development:

Kärt Ojavee

Photos: Anu Vahtra, Kärt Ojavee, Raul Viitung

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